Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Have We taught our Children Well?

Do our kids understand the importance of eating right? Do they know what a "Fluffernutter" is? Or how to even make one? Shame on anyone who did not pass along this right of passage.
Take 2 pieces of bread. On one side spread your favorite type of peanut butter. On the other spread quite thickly, marshmallow "Fluff". Squish together any marshmallow creme will do. You can find this at Walmart over by the marshmallows.
make sure to have an ice cold glass of milk handy. You will need it.
Makes a great late night snack and after school as well.
Please teach the children. The children are our future!


  1. Oh my family's still Leslie and Brooklyn's "sandwich of choice" to take for a school lunch! :) YUM!!

  2. Oh how things change. A Fluffernutter was not a lunch, but a dessert in MY time as a Vogelsberg...

  3. And here's the jingle...

    You spread, spread, spread,
    your bread with peanut butter
    add marshmallow fluff
    and you've got a fluffernutter!!!

    YUM!!!!! :0)
